
We are a dedicated group of Desert Heartdwellers established in 2014, who choose to live in intimacy with our Lord and follow His words by being the last of all and servant to all. Desert Heartdwellers are God’s instrument to help the materially poor and to renew the poor in spirit. Our ministry is a reflection of our Lord’s unconditional love – a love that surrenders all, that inspires trust and faith, and that embraces all people. It is also shaped by our belief that Christ is alive and can be served directly by serving those in greatest need. (Matthew 25:40)

For guidance and to maintain the purity of our boots on the ground mission, we fuel up each day on time spent with the Lord in prayer and contemplation.

Through surrender, service and prayer, we seek a closer union with our Lord.

Make A Difference

Desert Heartdwellers is making a difference in the lives of others and drawing those in need closer to the Heart of Jesus.
“Love one another as I have loved you.”

John 13:34

How To Help

Become a giving partner by donating to help feed the homeless and the poor.



John Houston
1335 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur #427
Taos, NM 87571