Meet Bug Out Bob

Lord, You are our comfort and strength in times of sudden disaster, crisis or chaos. Surround us now with your grace and peace through storm or earthquake, fire or flood. By your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen, sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild, and fill us with the hope that You can can do all things through us in times of trials.  Amen.

Greetings YouTube Family and welcome to the End Times Refuge channel, I’m Sister Jane and soon you will meet Brother John who is currently working hard building an off-grid refuge.  We will be sharing with you different phases of that build that are vital to your survival.  

We have received many requests and questions about what to put in your bug out bag in case of an emergency.  As believers, we place our trust in the Lord, who also instills in us Godly wisdom to be prepared.  This concept of preparedness is nothing new to Scripture; in fact, long before the word prepper or survivalist became part of our modern vocabulary, the Bible encourages the wise man to study the dangers ahead, pray and then implement the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their family.    

 Building your bug out bag is one of the most important steps you can take in the event of a catastrophe.  We’d like to introduce you to BOB your Bug Out Bag.  You’ll want to choose a medium size pack that feels right and is comfortable for your body frame.  There is a balance between comfort and necessity, so use good judgment when selecting your Bob pack. Now for the filling up of Bob, we suggest starting with the basics, and we will also put up this suggested list of items in the box below this video. 

Your BOB is designed to help you evacuate at a moment’s notice and is packed with the essential survival gear to get you, your loved ones and others to safety.  Being charitable and helping others during times of crisis is a key element to demonstrate Christ’s love through us.  Your bug out bag should contain everything you need to sustain you for a minimum of 72 hours and once filled it should not exceed 25% of your body weight.

For shelter and protection from the elements, we have a fire starting kit, poncho, bed roll or sleeping bag if you can fit on your external frame, tarp to use as a makeshift tent and spare clothing.  You’ll also need food, water and navigational items…..water or find a water source, water filter item and purification tablets, canteen, can opener, protein bars, trail mix, nuts and seeds (these are filling and light to carry), instant oatmeal, rice and potatoes, tuna packets, jerky and eating utensils.  Also, emergency radio, flashlight, headlamp, whistle, compass, map of your area and other important documents in a zip lock bag, light sticks, signal mirror, cell phone cable and adapter.  Medical needs include, first aid kit, bandanas (they are great and can be used for multiple purposes, such as a tourniquet, water filter, head covering to protect you from the sun, sleep mask and more), bug repellent, travel size hygiene kit (which would include toothbrush, toothpaste and other items) and wet wipes.

Here are some other items to consider:  potassium iodide tablets, multi tool folding knife, paracords, duct tape, batteries, solar charger, zip ties, work gloves, eye protection, small hatchet or axe.  Personal items may include cash, pen, ID, suntan lotion, vitamins, prescription medication, baby items and a must have, a small, pocket Bible.

Have a plan, discuss a meeting place with your family inside your region and outside your region, in another state or country if you get separated from one another.  Practice setting up your emergency shelter at night using your headlamp.  Build a fire from scratch and pray ahead for the Lord’s protection and Holy Spirit’s guidance.

May God bless you dear family and keep you in the palm of His Hand!

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